The Story Clinic is currently available as a customized workshop for your group

and is being adapted into a DIY workshop.

Hey ENTREPRENEURS! struggling to Create a brand story that will ATTRACT

HIGH-QUALITY CLIENTS who recognize your value?

Join the Story Clinic and find your BRAND STORY so you can show up confidently and get crystal clear on your messaging.

Prepare to leave #impostersyndrome behind and

step into your STORY with confidence and clarity.

  • Find your BRAND STORY
  • Create authentic messaging
  • Develop a solid story strategy
  • Walk away with a personalized Story Framework
  • Align who you are, who you serve, & what you sell

The Story Clinic is currently available as a customized workshop for your group and is being adapted into a DIY workshop.

I was totally blown away. I have a brand story that is “so me,” which is the entire point but way beyond that, figuring out your brand identity creates massive clarity about who you are, how others perceive you, the value you naturally bring to the world and with that comes a quantifiable boost to your confidence….

 ... It’s powerful stuff and I highly recommend working with Shannon.

As a Brand Story coach I hear…

Most Business Owners

Make one or more of these top 3 mistakes when trying to write their story

They don’t know where to start and wander around in the land of confusion, OVERWHELMED by INDECISION and PARALYSIS. They don’t know how to choose the right moments or the right words, and they're not even sure that their story matters to their business or clients at all. 
They're not writers and worry that the writing process will be one long string of ENDLESS REWRITES, so they opt for a YAWN-WORTHY chronological description of their career and/or personal life. They know there’s so much more to their journey, but they don’t know how to find it.
They worry that they'll be judged if they share too much, and passed over if they share too little. They just can’t find the right approach and FEEL SMALL IN COMPARISON with big name stories. They struggle to find a way to make their story stand out rather than blend in.

if This Is You, You are in SERIOUSLY good company.

Here's the GOOD NEWS....

I’ve NEVER met anyone who didn’t have all the right building blocks to create a FANTASTIC STORY. Your Brand Story speaks to the strength and grit it took to get you where you are right now. In your life. In your business. YOUR STORY IS UNIQUE and can connect with clients in all the right ways.

Have you ever read a STORY full of authenticity, vulnerability, or perseverance that fundamentally CHANGED the way you saw yourself, your life, or your business?

THAT'S THE IMPACT A GOOD STORY CAN HAVE. That’s the impact YOUR story can have in the lives of your clients. Your journey becomes a path they can follow and creates trust in you, in your offer, and in the results you promise to deliver.


It’s 100% normal to struggle with writing for yourself. EVERYONE struggles with this. We are too close to our own story, and we get lost in our moments, wondering how they really align with our purpose.

Which is why you need the STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK.

It's a simple story structure that reduces overwhelm, confusion, and tells you EXACTLY what to look for when writing your story.

We'll find your Anchor Points + the 3 Essential Story Elements that will lead to Story Impact. No more endless overthinking!


I could just cry so many tears of joy and relief. You helped me take my story that mattered and made it universally relevant. Your process to refocus and reframe one's story as a rainbow customers can follow to a pot of gold is brilliant. I was a journalist for 20 years before moving to PR and this kind of writing process stands above the rest.…

 ... Of course, the person has to be willing to dig REAL deep to do this right. But when they do, MAN!

- penelope, course creator

My Story Starts Here...

I Know Your Struggle...

My daughter was wrapping up her senior year of high school and had just won a prestigious award. She was standing in the foyer, surrounded by well-wishers. Their happy conversations swirled around me as I watched and I felt my pride swell. “That’s my girl.”

I was sitting by the windows, taking in the scene. 


I marveled at her potential, the LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES unfolding before her.  

It was in that moment that I was hit with a sudden realization. I used to feel that way. Full of light and life and purpose. But I’d lost it somewhere along the way through marriage and motherhood. All the possibilities of my life, my identity, felt crumpled up inside me. I didn’t know who I was, who I wanted to be. Large parts of my identity had eroded as I cared for everyone but myself. 

i needed to rediscover who I was.  

So I went on a journey to reclaim my identity. I picked up my camera and started a photography business, where I used my camera to truly SEE people, their hopes, their dreams, their stories. I brought my love of portraiture to branding photography to help business owners see themselves and be seen in the best light.

And as fulfilling as that is, it doesn’t go deep enough. The beauty and strength of people, of entrepreneurs, doesn’t come from what they look like - it comes from who they are. And that is rooted in their STORIES, in the road they walked to get to where they are.

But they consistently have trouble weaving the threads of their life into a cohesive BRAND STORY they can use to increase their business impact and connect authentically with clients. So I created a framework to teach them how to find their story and align it correctly with who they are, who they serve, and what they sell.

I Know Your Struggle...

My daughter was wrapping up her senior year of high school and had just won a prestigious award. She was standing in the foyer, surrounded by well-wishers. Their happy conversations swirled around me as I watched and I felt my pride swell. “That’s my girl.” 

I Was Sitting By The Windows, Taking In The Scene. She Was So FULL OF LIGHT, LIFE, AND PURPOSE. I Marveled At Her Potential, The LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES Unfolding Before Her.

It was in that moment that I was hit with a sudden realization. I used to feel that way. Full of light and life and purpose. But I’d lost it somewhere along the way through marriage and motherhood. All the possibilities of my life, my identity, felt crumpled up inside me. I didn’t know who I was, who I wanted to be. Large parts of my identity had eroded as I invested myself so fully in others.


So I went on a journey to reclaim myself. I picked up my camera and started a photography business, where I used my camera to truly SEE people, their hopes, their dreams, their stories. I brought my love of portraiture to branding photography to help business owners see themselves and be seen in the best light.

And as fulfilling as that is, it doesn’t go deep enough. The beauty and strength of people, of entrepreneurs, doesn’t come from what they look like, it comes from who they are. And that is rooted in their STORIES, in the road they walked to get to where they are.

But they consistently have trouble weaving the threads of their life into a cohesive origin story that they can use to increase their business impact and connect authentically with clients. So I developed a framework to teach them how to find their story and align it correctly with who they are, who they serve, and what they sell.

Finding your BRAND STORY is your ticket to confidence, brand authority, and peace of mind

....even if you don’t know where to start, 

worry it will take forever, and think your life is boring

Create a brand story that will ATTRACT HIGH-QUALITY CLIENTS who recognize 

your value (so you can finally step away from imposter syndrome)

For years, my brand identity and my story have always felt very messy and hard to articulate....Shannon married individual exercises with community brilliantly so that in a short period of time, our group came together as a unit to support one another with feedback while Shannon came alongside to make sure we made it across the finish line with something that we could immediately put to work.....  

 ... Deciding to work with Shannon is easily one of the top 3 business investment decisions I've made this year

- aurora, speaker mentor

   Introducing The Story Clinic

      Your story. Your business. Your impact.

   The only brand story workshop you’ll ever need.

       Leverage the power of a supportive group environment to find the 

       powerful pieces of your story and learn how to put them together 

       the right way to create confidence, connection, and brand authority.

Introducing The Origin Story Workshop

      Your story. Your business. Your impact.

      The only origin story workshop you’ll ever need.

Leverage the power of a supportive group environment to find the 

BUILDING BLOCKS of your origin story and learn how to put them together 

the right way to create confidence, connection, and brand authority.

Leverage the power of a supportive group environment to find the BUILDING BLOCKS of your origin story and learn how to put them together the right way to create confidence, connection, and brand authority.


Your Story. Your Business. Your Impact.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

2 Hour Live Workshop

  • Story Impact Presentation
  • Small Group Deep Work
  • Customized Feedback

Story Strategy Template

  • Reusable Story Framework
  • Customized to Your Brand
  • Created Live in the Clinic

Implementation Guide

  • Where to Use Your Story
  • How to Adapt Your Story
  • Story Content Creation


What would it feel like to leave the indecision cycle behind 

and OWN your story? To crush brand envy by building your brand 

on the foundation of your unique journey?

Imagine being on the other side of the STORY CLINIC, with some serious swagger in your step, feeling confident that your story brings out the BEST of you and your business

You’ll never have to struggle to find the right words to talk about what you do. 

Your story will be out there in the world, building bridges of trust with your clients, 

creating impact in their lives. 

And you did it all without oversharing, or capitalizing on your sacred moments.

Imagine being on the other side of the ORIGIN STORY WORKSHOP, with some serious swagger in your step, feeling confident that your story brings out the 

BEST of you and your business. You’ll never have to struggle to find the right words 

to talk about what you do. Your story will be out there in the world, building bridges of trust with your clients, creating impact in their lives.  And you did it all without oversharing, or capitalizing on 

your sacred moments.

Your BRAND STORY sets you apart from the business next door, from all the businesses next door screaming to be seen in the online space. Story speaks quiet into that chaos but lets you rise above the din and find your voice in a profoundly powerful way.

Step off the struggle bus and learn HOW to find your brand story, 

HOW to correctly align it with what you sell, and HOW to include 

the right pieces to build authentic client connection.

Isn't it time you found YOUR story?


Your story becomes the RED THREAD that connects you, your marketing, your offers, your clients, and the amazing results you deliver. Step away from a fragmented online presence and build a STORY FOUNDATION that provides continuity for every online space.


Find the RIGHT FRAMEWORK that can describe who you are and what you do. Show your HEART authentically while still honoring your personal boundaries. Your clients are waiting for a message that resonates with them, not an overshare that leaves everyone feeling awkward.


The single biggest TRANSFORMATION that comes from this story work, according to the entrepreneurs that have completed it, is a newfound sense of CONFIDENCE. In who they are. In what they do. They have a newfound sense of purpose and feel ready to SHOW UP.

Isn't it time you found YOUR story?


Your story becomes the RED THREAD that connects you, your marketing, your offers, your clients, and the amazing results you deliver. Step away from a fragmented online presence and build a STORY FOUNDATION that provides continuity for every online space.


Find the RIGHT FRAMEWORK that can describe who you are and what you do. Show your HEART authentically while still honoring your personal boundaries. Your clients are waiting for a message that resonates with them, not an overshare that leaves everyone feeling awkward.


The single biggest TRANSFORMATION that comes from this story work, according to the entrepreneurs that have completed it, is a newfound sense of CONFIDENCE. In who they are. In what they do. They have a newfound sense of purpose and feel ready to SHOW UP.


Your Story. Your Business. Your Impact.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

2 Hour Live Workshop

  • Story Impact Presentation
  • Small Group Deep Work
  • Customized Feedback

Story Strategy Template

  • Reusable Story Framework
  • Customized to Your Brand
  • Created Live in the Clinic

Implementation Guide

  • Where to Use Your Story
  • How to Adapt Your Story
  • Story Content Creation


Deep story work needs to be done in a SMALL GROUP setting.

To preserve the quality of the experience and the hands on nature

of story coaching, Story Clinic seats are STRICTLY limited.

jump in before the beta price is gone forever.

build your brand identity and Grow Your Business.

OMG! THIS! I so, so, SO love how this came out in such a compelling and cool way!

Your workshop has been such a gift in that it unlocked my mind and my core in a way that reignited my imagination.

You helped me take my story that mattered and made it universally relevant.

I was a journalist for 20 years before moving to PR and this kind of writing process stands above the rest. 



Your story is there, waiting to be found....and written...and you don’t even need to be a writer to bring it to life. 

IMAGINE that moment, you're ready to hit publish on your origin story and you feel, deep in your bones, that your story will have serious IMPACT. You’re excited to share it with the world because you know that it honors AND strengthens your sacred moments.

Your STORY will take your business where you want it to go.

Be at peace with the journey you took to get here.

Do I really have to tell my story?

No. You don't. If you don't want to tell your story, don't tell your story. But just know that you and your business will miss out on the authentic engagement that comes from sharing stories. It's the best way to show your online clients why they can trust you, and how your business can actually impact their life for the better. Want to serve bigger? Start with sharing stories.

I don't have a rags to riches story. Is this a problem?

Not at all. That storyline is all the rage in some marketing circles where emotional manipulation is abundant. And that's not what we're about. In this clinic, heart matters more than dollars. Integrity matters more than prestige. And client need is the ultimate guide in deciding what themes should be written into your brand story. If a rags to riches journey will help them, and it's an honest path you traveled, cool. If not, no worries. We'll find the right framework for your story.

How do I know if I'm ready for this?

You need to have an existing business and be clear on what you sell and who you serve. We don't cover offer creation or finding ideal clients. Those are prerequisites to the Story Clinic. And you need to be willing to look at your story from a fresh perspective and have the ability to help protect the safe spaces deep story work requires.

What if I can't attend the entire 2 hours?

Instruction, story sharing, and personalized feedback happens throughout the workshop. If you have to be off camera

for a small amount of time, we can work around that. But it's best to choose a workshop date that allows you to

participate fully. If you can't commit to 2 hours, I do offer 1:1 Story Strategy coaching sessions where

I take you through the same process during a 60 minute call.

What happens inside the Story Clinic?

We meet via Zoom and you learn the Story Impact Framework, which we then apply to your specific business. This is not a workshop where slides play the main role. It's highly interactive and you are given time to share and explore and receive story strategy recommendations. It's a safe space where you will be seen, heard, and inspired.

Do you offer a guarantee?

I guarantee that you have a story worth telling. I guarantee that we will find themes you can use to connect with your audience. I guarantee that your story has new perspectives that are waiting to be explored. Due to the live nature of the Story Clinic, I do not offer a money back guarantee. If you sign up for a clinic but can't make it, you will have the option of transferring your spot to a future workshop, or upgrading to a 1:1 Story Strategy Session for an additional cost.

What if I just need more help with my story?

You will come out of the Story Clinic with a story framework and clarity on how to align it correctly with who you are, what you sell, and who you serve. Writing your story is the next step, and to support you in that, I offer 1:1 Story Strategy coaching sessions and 30 days of pop up story feedback that will support you through the story writing process.

I cannot believe the difference of clarity I feel after working through this process with you Shannon! It has given me incredible confidence in being/owning my brand which has given me more confidence to walk in it than I can believe! Thank you....

...You are changing lives through this process ... healing and growth!


jump in before the beta price is gone forever.

build your brand identity and Grow Your Business.

It's always made me feel uncomfortable that I, as a communicator, couldn't clearly communicate my story or my brand identity. 

Shannon married individual exercises with community brilliantly so that in a short period of time, our group came together as a unit to support one another with feedback while Shannon came alongside to make sure we made it across the finish line with something that we could immediately put to work. 

Deciding to work with Shannon is easily one of the top 3 business investment decisions I've made this year.



Your Story. Your Business. Your Impact.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

Understand the most powerful themes to include in your BRAND STORY and how to align them with what your ideal clients really need. Walk away with a customized, reusable STORY IMPACT FRAMEWORK that shows you the correct way to align who you are, who you serve, and what you do.

2 Hour Live Workshop

  • Story Impact Presentation
  • Small Group Deep Work
  • Customized Feedback

Story Strategy Template

  • Reusable Story Framework
  • Customized to Your Brand
  • Created Live in the Clinic

Implementation Guide

  • Where to Use Your Story
  • How to Adapt Your Story
  • Story Content Creation
Shannon Busse - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions